The HI-MIA-CW is a supplemental database to the HI-MIA wakeup database, and we used the same setup of HI-MIA database to further record 16434 audios.

The specific text of the audios is the HI-MIA confusion words in Chinese, which are the negative samples for wake-up words "hi, Mia" (ni hao mi ya). The text details can be found in the paper and the transcription file in resources. Each audio sample was recorded in real home environment using high fidelity microphone ( 48kHz,16-bit ). Then we re-sampled to 16kHz to build the database. It contains 35 speakers. There is no overlap between these 35 speakers and the speakers who are in the previous HI-MIA database. This dataset aims to promote the advanced research on wakeup words detection. It serves as negative samples for the wakeup words detection system. It helps researchers test the performance when encountering the confusing words.

You can cite the data using the following BibTeX entry:

      title={Generating Adversarial Samples For Training Wake-up Word Detection Systems Against Confusing Words}, 
      author={Haoxu Wang and Yan Jia and Zeqing Zhao and Xuyang Wang and Junjie Wang and Ming Li},